Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> So when creating an element with interpreted content (that is given as
> plain string), I use
>   - headlines :: (section nil "foo")  
>   - others :: (paragraph nil "foo")

If contents are already interpreted, 

  - anything :: "foo"

is sufficient, I think. However, when "anything" is either item or
footnote-definition, and contents start with a paragraph,

  - anything :: (paragraph nil "foo") 

is better due to special handling of the first line.

> One more question:
> the :tag property of items is parsed as list (of sec. string(s)) - is it
> sufficient for interpreting to give it a plain string: tag: "foo"
> instead of tag: ("foo")? It seems to work ...

("foo") is equivalent to "foo". ("foo") allows to insert objects, e.g.

  ("foo " (bold nil "bar"))


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