Matt Price <> writes:

> I am generally much more positive than Thomas,  being,  for the most part,
> ecstatic at the thought of a built-in citation syntax which will make
> citations in org workable for bumbling nonprogrammers like myself.
> However,  I agree that the distinction between parenthetical and footnotes
> citations is unhelpful for me.  Whenever I switch between Chicago and APA,
> for instance,  zotero converts my footnotes to parenthetical expressions.
> To me this seems an essential feature.

Maybe Richard stepped back on this, but I think at some point the
consensus was that you'd have two main cite types, namely @· and [@·]
which can be mapped to whatever, e.g. @· → textcite by default and [@·] →

Then the switch would be.

#+INLINE-CITE: textcite
#+SQUARE-CITE: parencite


Governments should be afraid of their people

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