On Tuesday 03 March 2015 08:41 PM, Monroe, Will wrote:
>   Hello,
> I'm trying to troubleshoot a corrupt ODT file that I've exported from 
> org-mode.  
> The org-mode manual provides some guidance for this process on the 
> "Validating 
> OpenDocument XML" page (see 
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Validating-OpenDocument-XML.html#Validating-OpenDocument-XML).
> It mentions validation of an ODT document against the "OpenDocument RELAX NG 
> Compact Syntax (RNC) schema".  I have obtained the xml and RNC files from the 
> org-mode Github site but I'm unsure how to use them.  The org-mode manual 
> page 
> mentions general help in the Introduction (see 
> http://orgmode.org/nxml-mode/Introduction.html#Introduction) but I get a 404 
> error when I attempt to load the page.
> Does anyone know where I can read this guide?

You can avoid the cross-manual link errors, by using the manuals at
gnu.org site:


For verification, this is roughly what you need to do:

1. Copy over schema file.
2. Reload Emacs.
3. C-x C-f file.odt
4. Press ENTER on content.xml
5. C-c C-n (M-x rng-next-error)


You can try an online validator: http://odf-validator.rhcloud.com/

Based on my own experience, your *.org file is NOT in utf-8 and uses
non-English characters (whatever they are called).  Just switch the
file to utf-8 encoding and you will be all set.

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