I am not sure what is happening.  Some suggestions:

1. C-h v temporary-file-directory.  Check this variable, particularly
   if your are on Windows machine.

2. Load Emacs without your custom settings.

   a) emacs -Q -L /path/to/org/library

      (`-L' option not needed if org comes from your Emacs

   b) Once Emacs is loaded, do

      M-x load-library ox-odt

      Note where the styles and schema files come from.

   c) Proceed with export

3.  I will focus on XML errors like "loext:contextual-spacing" etc.

    The style file used by the exporter comes from `OrgOdtStyles.xml'
    (Check messages buffer for where this file comes from).  This file
    has no such attributes.

    Which version of LibreOffice you are using?  Where did you get
    style files from?  Are you using #+ODT_STYLES_FILE option etc....


On Wednesday 04 March 2015 03:19 AM, Monroe, Will wrote:
>   On 3/3/15 2:26 PM, Vaidheeswaran C wrote:
>> On Tuesday 03 March 2015 08:41 PM, Monroe, Will wrote:
>>>    Hello,
>>> I'm trying to troubleshoot a corrupt ODT file that I've exported from 
>>> org-mode.
>>> The org-mode manual provides some guidance for this process on the 
>>> "Validating
>>> OpenDocument XML" page (see
>>> http://orgmode.org/manual/Validating-OpenDocument-XML.html#Validating-OpenDocument-XML).
>>> It mentions validation of an ODT document against the "OpenDocument RELAX NG
>>> Compact Syntax (RNC) schema".  I have obtained the xml and RNC files from 
>>> the
>>> org-mode Github site but I'm unsure how to use them.  The org-mode manual 
>>> page
>>> mentions general help in the Introduction (see
>>> http://orgmode.org/nxml-mode/Introduction.html#Introduction) but I get a 404
>>> error when I attempt to load the page.
>>> Does anyone know where I can read this guide?
>> You can avoid the cross-manual link errors, by using the manuals at
>> gnu.org site:
>> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/Validating-OpenDocument-XML.html
>> For verification, this is roughly what you need to do:
>> 1. Copy over schema file.
>> 2. Reload Emacs.
>> 3. C-x C-f file.odt
>> 4. Press ENTER on content.xml
>> 5. C-c C-n (M-x rng-next-error)
>> Or
>> You can try an online validator:http://odf-validator.rhcloud.com/
>> Based on my own experience, your *.org file is NOT in utf-8 and uses
>> non-English characters (whatever they are called).  Just switch the
>> file to utf-8 encoding and you will be all set.
> Hello,
> Thanks for your reply.  I checked the text formatting of the .org document 
> and 
> it was utf-8 (confirmed by Emacs "U" in the modeline).  I also tried 
> exporting 
> it again and looking at the Messages--can't believe I didn't do that to begin 
> with--and I saw this:
> ,----
> | LaTeX to MathML converter not available.
> | Formatting LaTeX using verbatim
> | Embedding /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/panopto-create-recording.png as 
> Images/0001.png...
> | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/meta.xml
> | Using schema ~/Dropbox/emacs/org-odt-schema/schema/od-schema-v1.2-os.rnc [2 
> times]
> | Saving file 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/styles.xml...
> | Wrote 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/.styles.xml.~undo-tree~
> | Wrote 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/styles.xml
> | Using vacuous schema
> | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/mimetype
> | Using vacuous schema
> | Saving file 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/META-INF/manifest.xml...
> | Wrote 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/META-INF/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~
> | Wrote 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/META-INF/manifest.xml
> | Saving file 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/content.xml...
> | Wrote 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/.content.xml.~undo-tree~
> | Wrote 
> /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/content.xml
> | (No changes need to be saved)
> | Creating ODT file...
> | Running zip -mX0 work.odt mimetype
> | Running zip -rmTq work.odt .
> | Created /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/work.odt
> | Parsing archive file...done.
> | Running open /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/work.odt...done
> | Parsing archive file...done.
> `----
> The presence of the /.content.xml.~undo-tree~, /.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~, 
> and 
> /.styles.xml.~undo-tree~ got my attention.  After submitting the document to 
> the 
> online validator (default settings used), these files, undoubtedly created by 
> my 
> personal inspection in Emacs, showed up again:
> ,----
> | Details:
> | work.odt: Info: ODF version of root document: 1.2
> | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file '.content.xml.~undo-tree~' 
> shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF 
> package 'work.odt'!
> | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file '.styles.xml.~undo-tree~' 
> shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF 
> package 'work.odt'!
> | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file 
> 'META-INF/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~' shall be listed in the 
> 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF package 'work.odt'!
> | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Warning: The directory 'Images/' is not a 
> sub-document and should not be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file of 
> ODF 
> package 'work.odt'!
> | internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-manifest-schema.rng: Info: 
> parsed.
> | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Info: 3 errors, 1 warnings
> | work.odt/mimetype: Info: no errors, no warnings
> | work.odt: Info: Media Type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
> | internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-schema.rng: Info: parsed.
> | work.odt/meta.xml: Info: Generator:
> | work.odt/meta.xml: Info: no errors, no warnings
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,6289]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,7187]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,7885]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,15357]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,16222]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,25655]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,26198]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,26482]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,27530]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,28689]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,29340]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,34718]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:contextual-spacing"
> | work.odt/styles.xml[2,43716]: Error: unexpected attribute 
> "loext:rel-width-rel"
> | work.odt/styles.xml: Info: 13 errors, no warnings
> | work.odt/content.xml: Info: no errors, no warnings
> | internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-dsig-schema.rng: Info: 
> parsed.
> | work.odt: Info: 16 errors, 1 warnings
> `----
> So my best guess is that I need to remove ~undo-tree files to generate an ODT 
> file that is valid.  Although I'm at a loss as to where these files might be. 
> I've checked in .emacs.d/elpa/org, where my org-mode is installed and in the 
> default `org-odt-data-dir' that I set.
> Am I on the right track?  If so, is there another place where the style files 
> might reside?
> Will

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