Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:

> Hi Dave,
> Yes, I'm aware of the freemind exporter. I'm not very fond of freemind 
> though, I find it clunky to use. 
> I really liked the minimalist style of the mind-mapping application shown in 
> the video (also the animation effects are cool, too).
> Would be great if the author could chime in and perhaps share the code. Heck, 
> I'd be willing to buy it if the integration with org
> was good enough (both-ways auto synchronization).

If you examine the video closely, it looks like it's a Mac application,
the author is David Griffiths and the application *might* be iMapMinder
(also available on Windows, but not on Linux - non-free both in the
freedom and beer sense). All of this is pure guesswork on my part
and might very well be completely wrong.

If David Griffiths is indeed the author, I don't remember seeing him on
the ML.  You'll have to find another way to contact him. The org file
shows an email address of

      dgriffiths AT

but that might not be valid any longer (the video was posted in 2011).


> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 3:59 PM, J. David Boyd <> wrote:
>     Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > While searching for mind mapping tools that already had some
>     > integration with orgmode, I found this video:
>     >, which shows a simple (but
>     > seemingly powerful) mindmapping tool that integrates well with org.
>     >
>     > Unfortunately the link to the code / app is nowhere to be found in the
>     > video description and the video is pretty old. It'd be unfortunate to
>     > not share such an interesting project. I'm very interested in
>     > using/testing/extending it. I'm wondering if the author still lurks
>     > around this mailing list? *ping*
>     >
>     > Either way, it's a great idea and someone else (even myself) could get
>     > some inspiration out off it and create something similar (and share!) -
>     > I've been wanting a way to visualize my org files in the form of a
>     > mindmap and keep both representations synced so I could just switch
>     > when I wanted, and this seems to be the gist of it.
>     >
>     > Cheers,
>     >
>     > -- Marcelo
>     There is a connection to Freemind in the source tree.  Not near my 
> computer
>     right now.  The name is something like ox-freemind.el...
>     Dave

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