Nikolaus Rath <> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm just starting to use org-mode. The first thing I'd like to use it
> for is to keep track of stuff that I need to do. Writing things up and
> calling up the agenda is easy enough, and I really like how-much
> functionality is available in what's essentially a plain text document.
> However, there's one thing where I feel lost. I don't expect to be
> editing my orgmode files on a daily basis (at least not yet), so how can
> I make sure that I don't miss an important deadline? It seems to me that
> it doesn't help much if instead of worrying to forget a deadline I now
> have to worry about forgetting to check my org-mode agenda...
> How do other people handle this? Is everyone else opening and working on
> their org files daily so that this becomes a non-issue?

At this point I have so much of my life (personal and professional) in
Org files that yes, checking the Agenda isn't an issue anymore. It's the
first thing I do in the morning, and the last thing I do before knocking
off at the end of the day.

If you're someone who restarts Emacs each morning, you could put a call
to `org-agenda' in your init file. The others have mentioned
`org-agenda-to-appt', but I find that if you're really using Org to
manage your time (checking where you are in the midst of longer
projects, clocking, surveying the week ahead, etc) then you'll want to
be looking at the Agenda every day.


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