On Apr 06 2015, Carlos Sosa <gnus...@gnusosa.net> wrote:
> Nikolaus Rath <nikol...@rath.org> writes:
>> How do other people handle this? Is everyone else opening and working on
>> their org files daily so that this becomes a non-issue?
>   Have you tried (org-agenda-to-appt) and (appt-activate t)?
>   If you do end up using those functions, and you're using Emacs 24.x,
>   checkout desktop notifications:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Desktop-Notifications.html

I am using Emacs 24, but I'm still not sure how how you are using
this. For example, if you'd like to get some reminder if a project is
due in 3 days, how exactly do you set things up?

Do you show the notification just once (but what if I'm not at the
screen what that happens)? Or do you show it periodically until I've
somehow told Emacs that I've seen it?

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