You might find some inspiration with something like this:


The basic issue I see is 1) how to represent your data structure so that
it is 2) human readable, 3) machine parseable (by you), and 4) the data
is easily reformatted. For me that means data represented in lisp
structures or json, which are easy to write, relatively easy to read,
and there are standard libraries for parsing them. Once parsed,
reformatting during export is usually not too hard.

A totally alternative approach is currently underway with the new
citation syntax, where a new built in syntax for org-mode is being
developed. That is out of my league though ;)

Olivier Berger writes:

> Hi.
> John Kitchin <> writes:
>> Can you give us an example of what you are trying to do?
> For instance, I'd like to link my WebID to publications of mine in a
> semantic way, using dcterm or FOAF vocabularies.
> This is done as RDFa by using links like :
> <p><span about="#me" rel="foaf:homepage">The canonical address of my
> homepage is at <a
> href="";></a></span>
> This would ideally be encoded in org in a way that is more compact than
> this construct ;)
>> I don't think
>> org-mode supports this rich of behavior out of the box, but see
>> for an example idea of what you could imagine doing with a link type
>> approach that could be inline with text.
> Yes, this looks interesting.
> Ideally, a mix of org-mode and Turtle [0] could be great, as Turtle
> seems the most human-friendly way to write RDF.
> In Turtle, the relation above is described with :
> <#me>
>   foaf:homepage <> .
> for instance.
> So I don't know exactly how both could be mixed...
> It's hard to think about a compact notation that would allow decorating
> org-mode stuff with RDF properties or relations on the fly...
> Hope this makes sense (at least for the Semantic Web aware fools ;).
> Best regards,
> [0]

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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