Kenichi Handa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've just installed fixes.  Could you please try again?  The
> locale of Emacs and crxvt-gb must be the same.  Then both
> ways of cut&paste should work well now in zh_CN.GB and
> in zh_CN.GBK.

The arch repository can't keep up with the CVS repository.  I checked
out the fixed mule.el from CVS, and test out it works fine with
zh_CN.GBK, but still can't paste from emacs to crxvt-gb in
zh_CN.GB2312(my mistake, there's no zh_CN.GB locale, when we talk
about zh_CN.GB, we always mean zh_CN.GB2312).

I think the bug is 75% fixed ;-)

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