Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 21:43:08 +0200
From: "Lennart Borgman (gmail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Emacs-Pretest-Bug <emacs-pretest-bug@gnu.org>

Drew Adams wrote:
I think this is specific to w32. Yes & needs to be escaped there.
I hope you mean that Emacs or Emacs W32 should do the escaping. These
binding indications are added automatically.
I am not sure I understand you, but & is the character you put before a character in the menu string on w32 to mark that character as an accelerator in menu. (It will be shown underlined then.)

An example: "&Help" will show "Help" in the menu with "H" underlined.

So fixing this is a w32 specific problem.

I think I fixed this in CVS (trunk and branch); please try.

Btw, there's a much easier way to demonstrate the bug: just create a
buffer called, say, "foo&bar", then click "Buffers" from the menu bar.

Unfortunately I do not think that is the right change. This totally spoils the possibility to use accelerators for the menus on w32. I do not think the minor problem it solves justifies that.

I think the change should be reverted and added back later when it is clear how menu accelerators should be supported in Emacs.

Maybe this is the time to add a new field to _widget_value for this? The reasonable value is in my opinion the position for the accelerator within *name.

Then of course something with a name like :accpos could be added for use with (menu-item ...) when definining menus.

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