Enter your bug report in this message, including as much detail as you
possibly can about the problem, what you did to cause it and what the
local and remote machines are.

If you can give a simple set of instructions to make this bug happen
reliably, please include those.  Thank you for helping kill bugs in
--bug report follows this line--

I visit a file in an unwritable remote directory.  I modify the
buffer.  I try to save my changes.  The operation fails.  The only
error message is "tramp_exit_status 2" in the "*tramp/METHOD HOST*"

Turning on tramp-debug-buffer reveals that what failed was attempting
to copy the file to a backup file name.

This works fine locally and via ange-ftp, so I think it should work in

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 20.4.1 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu, X toolkit)
 of Sat Sep 25 1999 on porky.devel.redhat.com
Package: tramp ($Id: tramp.el,v 2001/07/16 09:54:52 grossjoh Exp $)

current state:
 tramp-ls-command nil
 tramp-test-groks-nt nil
 tramp-file-exists-command nil
 tramp-current-multi-method nil
 tramp-current-method nil
 tramp-current-user nil
 tramp-current-host nil
 tramp-auto-save-directory nil
 tramp-default-method "su"
 tramp-rsh-end-of-line "\n"
 tramp-remote-path '("/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin"
                     "/usr/ccs/bin" "/local/bin" "/local/freeware/bin"
                     "/usr/freeware/bin" "/usr/pkg/bin")
 tramp-login-prompt-regexp ".*ogin: *$"
 tramp-password-prompt-regexp "^.*\\([pP]assword\\|passphrase.*\\):? *$"
 tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp "^.*\\(Permission denied.\\|Login [Ii]ncorrect\\|Received 
signal [0-9]+\\|Connection \\(refused\\|closed\\)\\|Sorry, try again.\\|Name or 
service not known\\).*$"
 tramp-temp-name-prefix "tramp."
 2 4 5 6)
 tramp-file-name-regexp "\\`/r[@:]"
 tramp-make-tramp-file-format "/r@%m:%u@%h:%p"
 tramp-end-of-output "/////"
 shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *"
 backup-by-copying nil
 backup-by-copying-when-linked t
 backup-by-copying-when-mismatch t
 nil nil

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