Am 21.03.2012 um 21:30 schrieb Kirk Wallace:

> On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 18:57 +0100, Michael Haberler wrote:
>> One of the glaring interpreter issues I consider repairing is the current 
>> state of affairs of "line numbers".
>> I have laid out the issue, and a sketch for a solution here:
>> I plan to do something about it - but only after the requirements have seen 
>> some peer review and consensus, that is.
>> I encourage feedback, esp wrt to requirements and the open questions.
>> - Michael
> I briefly scanned your wiki page. I think you are working at a lower
> level of code that would not likely affect my quest for a touch off tool

yes, it is actually 'below any language' because it has to support execution 
indepentently of the source language and as such doesnt affect rs274ngc at the 
source level in any way

> change feature, since these tool changes can be done manually with the
> current software. I think your quest is to get multiple files and MDI to
> live together at the same time. I imagine the touch off tool change to

no, much simpler. 

current line feedback in the UI's doesnt work well in presence of oword subs in 
separate files, which derives from the single-file assumption in the current 
line number implementation - basically an int is too imprecise to denote a 
source location uniquely (it did at some point in the past)

for the same reason RFL is a bit hampered

MDI line numbers come into play only because its a bit unclear how the current 
implementation came about (negative line number imply MDI mode, which is a kind 
of source context), and it is unclear to me why they are increased with every 
MDI command which has some other side effects

> have only one subfile open at a time, but time may tell.
> The term "line number" can get a bit confusing. When I think of line
> numbers I think of numbered g-code blocks (which are deprecated). I like
> the "sloc" term so we don't get into a similar age old issue between
> "joint" and "axis".

> I suppose a user will likely never see a sloc?

no, its an internal data type. 

A user-visible fallout might be more precise source location hints in error 


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