On 18 June 2013 04:40, Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> if I type linuxcnc.org in address bar, without www in front, I see this:
> http://picpaste.com/not-ok-CqbIAJzk.png
> which does not seem ok as there is a text in russian,

The language you see the page in seems to be related to the language
you last saw the page in. So, if you follow a link there from a
Russian user, the page will tend to be in Russian next visit. As an
experiment, follow this link:
Then close the tab and go to linuxcnc.org, and I think it will come up
in Russian again by default.

It's a feature.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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