I did some more debugging of Crapahalic last night. So some brief 
overview of how it works so far. It uses halcmd show to generate output 
that is then parsed through to determine the loaded hal components, the 
pins for each component and the signals that are all loaded in the 
current configuration. I like this general methodology as it keeps from 
having to look up component definitions in the man pages to determine 
pins. It also solves the issues that have been brought up about 
components generating pins at run time.

The issue that I am having right now is that the parsing logic is 
barfing on the inconsistency of the "Loaded HAL Components:" section of 
the halcmd show output. Some lines have a PID value and others don't. 
Currently it is splitting each line into 5 variables but sometimes there 
are only 4 items in the split due to the missing PID value. This causes 
it to barf at the split command.

Would it make more sense to modify halcmd show, actually the subfunction 
print_comp_info to add a placeholder for missing PID values such as a -1 
or a "-" or some other value? Would modifying this output break other 
applications? Would it make sense to make additional functions for 
halcmd that would be specific for the Crapahalic? Or should I just 
update the parsing code to handle each condition separately?

What is your opinion of this general method of working with a running 
HAL configuration? The only drawback that I see at the moment is that it 
would make editing a broken configuration with the tool impossible as it 
would not load properly and therefore you could not view or edit it with 
the tool.

Finally, at this point I am liking the basic functionality of 
Crapahalic, as limited as it is. If I decide to continue with it as the 
basis of the new application would it be inappropriate to rename the 
application. I am not fond of the name for an implemented application.



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