On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 09:29:29AM -0500, Jim Craig wrote:

> What is your opinion of this general method of working with a running 
> HAL configuration? 

I think using experimental loading of a hal component after the user
provides the arguments (to see what pins and parameters it presents)
is a good approach, and for the trouble cases people have mentioned,
possibly the only way.  I like that it automatically supports new
components without the component writer needing to do any extra
steps.  I think you're wise to explore down this road.

> The only drawback that I see at the moment is that it 
> would make editing a broken configuration with the tool impossible as it 
> would not load properly and therefore you could not view or edit it with 
> the tool.

It seems like if you are using a gui tool to generate the hal files,
if the tool is working correctly you won't ever write a file with a
syntax error.

I agree if you previously have a syntax error, say from incorrect
hand editing, you can't necessarily edit it with the gui tool.
However maybe halcmd -k or similar might help you get part of your
config into the editor.

About your parsing problems, does halcmd -s help?

> Finally, at this point I am liking the basic functionality of 
> Crapahalic, as limited as it is.

I'm really glad you're not starting from scratch.

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