On Sun, Feb 26, 2017, at 03:51 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
> Actually, I thought option 1 was the "best", but required a 
> bit more code and more testing.
> Since I've discovered the offending line occurs in ONE and 
> only one place in the whole driver (I think),
> then conditional compilation of one copy of the source seems 
> like a workable solution.

Option 1 seems complex, and you really don't want to be twiddling parport bits 
on every LinuxCNC startup, who knows what is connected to those bits.

I prefer option 2.  If there are tweaks needed to help the driver adapt to the 
hardware, the logical thing to do is to tell the driver about those tweaks at 
load time.  

I'm not a big fan of option 3, but I suppose it works.  But imagine if you 
later find another idiosyncrasy that requires the driver to do some other thing 
differently?  Do you make "hal_ppmc", and "hal_ppmc_old" and 

Better to have command line args with meaningful names like "change_dir=1" for 
the old behavior, and "change_dir=0" for the new behavior.  The default should 
be the old behavior, and the manual page should say to try the alternate if the 
default doesn't work.  

  John Kasunich

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