Thanks, I have cloned your repository and am now in the process of building it.
I built a new kernel from Linux sources and it has some differences with the 
stock Debian kernel that made me pause in its installation. It expected some 
directories where the standard installation had files.
> Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 13:42:13 +1000
> From: Rod Webster <>
> To: EMC developers <>
> Subject: [Emc-developers] Raspberry Pi - Linuxcnc Bookworm installer
>    ready to go
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Hi guys, I have forked the Raspberry Pi installer and built a linuxcnc
> branch
> With a lot of help from upstream who made a few mods for me this is now
> final. (I hope)
> It downloads the official Raspberry Kernel at a commit that matches the
> latest 6.1 RT patch from kernel org and applies the 6.1.46 RT patch.
> It also adds the correct isolcpus settings in the boot environment.
> It installs xfce and downloads the latest Linuxcnc code, builds the debs
> and installs them to the menus. (Docs are not built as its already a 6.5 Gb
> .img). The source and build files are deleted on completion to reduce th
> footprint by about 1 Gb.
> It would be great if this could be forked into Linuxcnc.
> Also because its built in a chroot cross-compiler environment, it may be
> possible to incorporate into Sebs new buildbot, You can also copy the debas
> to another location in the script /files/userscript/uscripts
> You pi guys please give it a go and provide feedback on my repo.
> Rod Webster
> *1300 896 832*
> +61 435 765 611

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