I received information from UL on the the CCEE/Great Wall Mark and the 
CCIB/SACI Mark.  There is a list of 20 product categories (affected Oct 1 
'96) required to obtain the import commodity Safety license certificate: 
There is another list of products affected Oct '97.
You may want to give them a call.

To: emc-p...@ieee.org@INTERNET
Cc: ecul...@encad.com@INTERNET
From: hud...@msim.com@INTERNET on Thu, Oct 17, 1996 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: Peoples Republic of China - ITE Requirements?

ecul...@encad.com wrote:

> Does anyone have any information regarding ITE in the
> PRC, particularly a rumor circulating that ISO 9000 is or

I received some email info a couple of months ago, the
gist of which was:

According to an ITI (Information Technology Industry
Council) bulletin dated July 25, 1996, there is a new
system whereby exporters to China must obtain certification
from CCIB (Chinese State Administration of Import and
Export Commodity  Inspection).

The certification will involve type testing, evaluation of
the quality system and factory follow-up.  Products without
certification will be prohibited from entering the country.
This law will go into effect for ITE October 1996. 

I have not seen anything else on this yet, and thus have no 
more to info. Perhaps someone else can help?

-- -------------------------------------------------------------
Alan Hudson
EMC/EW Specialist
Marconi Simulation (Scotland, UK)

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