The cover story of the September 1996 AEA INTERNATIONAL IMPACT
Newsletter is titled "Mandatory Safety Licensing Requirements in China as
early as October 1,1996" It goes on further to state that the SACI (State
Administration of Import and Export Commodity Inspection of China) will
implement mandatory third party safety licensing requirements with an
effectivity date of October 1,1996 for VCRs, personal computers, visual
display units, printers, audio equipment and switching power supplies. Also,
18 additional products will be added with an effectivity date of October 1,1997.

        Has anyone had experience with this? My concern is that "switching
power supplies" are covered by this requirement. 

        Does anyone know if there are other components covered by this
requirement? Does anyone have a complete list of all the covered equipments
/ components? (I'm presently trying to obtain this from SACI).


        John Dudek, Manager
        Product Safety Engineering
        Corcom Inc.

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