Hello Chris,

I assume your xerox copier is used in an office or business 
environment. Such copiers are covered under the European 
Standard for Information Technology Equipment, Including 
Electrical Business Equipment EN60950. This standard has limits 
for ozone concentrations. I do not have a copy with me at this time 
but if you wish, I can send you the limits when I get back to work 
on Tuesday. 

Alternatively one of our fellow PSTC members may volunteer to 
specify the limits before Tuesday. Anyone out there with a copy of 
your EN60950 or UL1950 standards?

Look for any signs of third party cerification marks on the copier. If 
you see one, most likely it was investigated to the ITE 
requirements for ozone; unless of course there were major changes 
in the unit such as replacement of the high voltage power supplies 
with ones other than what was originally tested.

Best Regards,

Date sent:              Wed, 7 Oct 1998 18:07:40 -0400
From:                   Chris Dupres <chris_dup...@compuserve.com>
Subject:                Ozone...
To:                     emc-pstc <emc-p...@ieee.org>
Send reply to:          Chris Dupres <chris_dup...@compuserve.com>

> Good PSTC People.
> Is Ozone a toxin?
> Many years ago I had a factory inspector threaten to close down some High
> Voltage test equipment because there was too much Ozone being produced. 
> Lately we have had bad vibes about a Xerox copier making too much Ozone and
> threats of ill health etc. to operators.
> So my questions are: 
> Are there any legal limits on the production of Ozone?  
> Is it dangerous/what are the physiological effects?  
> Where can I find out about it?  
> Why do they sell Ozone generators for use in kitchens and bathrooms, does
> it get rid of smells etc.?
> Why do I get a headache and a tight chest when I'm around this stuff?
> Funny stuff, Ozone.  Sure makes screws go rusty very quickly!
> Any information anybody wants to share?
> Chris Dupres
> Surrey, UK.
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