>>Anaconda Sealtite is 12.6mm I/D, 17.8mm O/D;

Mark, thanks for the details, but are you certain about that 17.8mm diam?
Seems like that would really interfere with most holes.

                    - Robert -

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark <m...@cjbdev.demon.co.uk>
To: emc-p...@ieee.org <emc-p...@ieee.org>
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Conduit entry dimensions

>On 12 Oct 99, at 13:29, Jim Eichner wrote:
>> > Aha!  Now I understand why EN60950 only tells us about the OD of the
>> > conduit:  because that's the same as the OD of that part of the
>> > conduit hub that mates with your enclosure!  If (big IF) the methods
>> > explained below for the UK also apply everywhere else in Europe, then
>> > I have part of my answer.  We would simply make the knockout slightly
>> > larger than the OD of the conduit.
>> >
>> > There is another question still to be answered though.  Is the 16mm OD
>> > in EN60950 truly correct, or is it really 16mm ID as discussed
>> > earlier?!
>I hadn't offered any help (?!) on conduits before, as though I use
>them, I don't really know much detail about them - I just specify
>M20 clearance for conduit termination.
>So I phoned a British steel conduit manufacturer - after a bit of
>searching, a helpful young lady told me that for their 16mm, the
>inside diameter is 13.2mm with wall thickness of 1.4mm (which
>makes 16mm outside diameter, my mental arithmetic tells me).
>I also looked in a couple of catalogues for flexible conduit - here it
>all depends on the construction of the particular maker's conduit,
>but the termination at the end will always fit in an M16 tapped
>hole or through a clearance hole (say 16.5mm).  As an example,
>PMA UK Ltd's UL recognized Heavy Duty flexible conduit has an
>I/D of 11.6mm and an O/D of 15.8mm; Anaconda Sealtite is
>12.6mm I/D, 17.8mm O/D; Kopex International Stainless Steel
>I/D 13mm, O/D 16mm.
>That's for the UK. Whether Europe is the same....?
>Mark Hone
>  Wellman CJB Limited               Email: m...@cjbdev.demon.co.uk
>  Airport Service Road              Tel: +44 (0)2392 629239 (Direct)
>  Portsmouth, Hampshire             Tel: +44 (0)2392 664911
>  PO3 5PG, ENGLAND                  Fax: +44 (0)2392 697864

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