Hi Folks

Having just logged on this morning, I am somewhat surprised at some of the
comments against the concept of "standard definitions" for "safety
critical", "compliance critical", etc. The very fact that this thread was
started in one country and has spread across national boundaries with a wide
range of opinions is evidence of the confusion that exists and the need for

After all we do already a huge range of definitions in the International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - and an additional number in individual
standards - for the very purpose of making life more straightforward for all
us, and avoiding confusion, reinventing the wheel, etc.  

I was not, and am not, arguing that IEC committees and test authorites
should define absolutely what is, and what is not, a "safety critical",
"safety related", a "compliance critical" (etc) component. 

What I am saying, at least at this stage, is that the general meanings of
these terms (and/or of any other terms that are chosen) shall be clarified
in that forum so that - from one person/test house/authority/country to
another -  we can avoid confusion between component "standards-compliance
critical" and overall equipment/system "safety critical" - a distinction on
which most of us (at least those have realised the difference!) already seem
to agree. 

That is not to say that there is no overlap between the terms as a single
component can be one or the other - OR BOTH - dependent on what it is and
what its function(s) and failure mode(s) is (are). In fact, as is quite
obvious, that a component (e.g a transistor bias resistor in an SELV
circuit) in a specific item of equipment may not be "compliance critical"
for that equipment, but could be "safety critical" in the context of the
role that equipment (or the system into which it is then integrated) such
that if the component fails (etc) the overall equipment/system fails or
fails to operate in a manner which ensures that safety is assured. 

For example: resistor in fuel feed valve in aircraft engine fails to open
circuit-> fuel valve does not open ->engine stops but no fire, etc.-> plane
falls out of sky = UNSAFE condition!!

After the general definitions have been agreed, then, maybe, we can go
further by concensus between all the interested parties in the definitions
of - particularly - "compliance critical" components which is what I think
sparked this whole thread off!


John Allen
Thales Defence Communications Division
Bracknell, UK

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