Munitions of war are excluded from at least the EMC Directive.  This is under the conditions of the treaty of Rome which established the European Union or was it EEC?

In any event the EMC Directive does not apply to munitions of war, unless it has a dual military/non military application.  I would guess that it is the same for all similar new approach directives. 

John Cronin



>From: "Stewart, Judd"
>Reply-To: "Stewart, Judd"
>To: "'EMC-PSTC'"
>Subject: Military Equimpment and the EU
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:16:18 -0700
>Good morning!
>I am faced with coming up with a regulatory strategy for equipment that
>will be sold to a foreign military (member of the EU). The equipment is
>entirely military and has military unique attributes. The products range
>from battery operated hand held devices to laptops that can use a battery
>adapter which plugs into the mains.
>All units have LI-ION batteries and High voltage inverters for powering the
>LCD backlight.
>Some have a standard PCMIA card slot which will allow the user to install a
>commercial modem if he chooses. We do not provide this card
>I have reviewed the LVD and EMC directives and find no exclusion for
>military equipment. Is there?
>What other directives may be applicable?
>Thanks in advance
>Judd Stewart
>Northrop Grumman
>San Diego Calif.
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