"Andrew Carson" <acar...@uk.xyratex.com> wrote:
> I encountered a problem with power supply a few years back. It would
> run across a wide range of input voltages, phase to neutral or phase
> phase, it did not really care. Apart from one little capacitor
sitting in
> the EMF noise filter. It was polarized and only happy if the Phase
> neutral were the correct way around. The effect of reversing the
> was harmonic distortions with measured current harmonics upto the
> order. Also the immunity to the line noise changed, changing  form
> shaking of a 3kV surge, to watching the boost caps explode at a 2kV
> Would run with either terminal connected to the phase, but a whole
new emc
> profile. The standard offering had this capacitor, the USA version
> not. Only difference on the power supply, two letters in a 20
> part number. These little things do sometimes catch designers by

I'm not quite sure I understand.  The US version had to be used to
immunity testing when the international version couldn't pass

- Doug McKean

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