Courtland, you asked:

>I would like to know the intent of TCF's for CE. There are numerous
>standards such as Radiated Emissions, Conducted Emissions, ESD, Radiated
>Immunity, Fast Transients, Surge, etc..., that apply. What actually is the
>intent of the TCF? Is it to allow the manufacturer to select only certain
>standards in lieu of testing to all the standards?

My understanding is as follows:

The CE marking attests to compliance with all applicable Directives.  The
Directives do not specify standards, only the results, e.g. non-interference.
BTW, the Directives are imposed on the member states, not manufacturers.
Obviously, if a manufacturer wants to enter the EU with a product, it must
be CE marked.  The manufacturer can choose to conform to harmonized standards
listed in the Official Bulletin, or can use a TCF to demonstrate the desired
results in lieu of a particular standard.

George Alspaugh

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