and other safety considerations

keep the hijackers off planes using ground security

an airplane in flight is not the place to have gun fights

too many lives are at risk

the first priority is to get the plane safely on the ground, anywhere

then at least the passengers have a chance

Most citizens of most countries enjoy the security that comes from having 
thrashed out land rights, territorial disputes, and the systems of law and law 
enforcement before firearms were invented.

America is one of the few places in the West that relies on firearms as a 
negotiating tool.
This is poor judgement. 
Firearms are offensive weapons not negotiating tools. 
Giving someone a gun escalates an already dangerous situation. 
Now you want the pilot to not only assure the safety of the plane but also be 
an effective executioner. 
Asking too much IMHO.
Unfortunately America was taken by force and is defended by force and is 
unlikely ever to change.

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