I read in !emc-pstc that Robert Macy <m...@california.com> wrote (in
<013301c1b033$eed45cc0$69e10...@robert.macy.california.com>) about
'Teslars???', on Thu, 7 Feb 2002:
>I don't believe those numbers.  We have light rail train go by here which is
>powered by 600Vac (I believe it's 600 Vac)  I haven't seen the fields from
>the motors, only the fields from the disturbance to the earth's field
>(approx 50uT) as it is being deflected by the large metal vehicles.  Much
>more an effect than from the power source.
>If those specs you quoted go down to 50 Hz or 60Hz, than they relate,
>otherwise doubt if you'lll easily relate them.  It would be "susceptibility
>to AC mains magnetic fields."
>Might also look at the Swedish MPR II, or is that III now?  The limit for a
>monitor radiating is 200nT in this bandwidth.
>Underneath high tension wires I've seen fields around 100mG,  which
>translates to 10uT!  and those fields are considered big.
>Again, I question those specs.  Maybe they meant 0.6 to 1.7 microtesla.

The field due to traction current in overhead power conductors creates a
magnetic field that can, for example, disturb CRT displays. Let us
assume a distance of r = 10 m between the conductor and the display. The
induction B is related to the current I by B = [mu]I/2[pi]r. [mu] is the
permeability of free space, 4[pi] x 10^-7 H/m. To get 1 mT at 10 m, the
current would need to be 50 000 A. This seems unlikely!

Note that in some countries the traction current is not 50 or 60 Hz but
16.67 Hz. There are also still some systems using d.c. This does not
affect the induction but does affect the immunity (if any!) shown by the
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
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