Some things are not so obivious,  take the case of that of VSAT (very small
aperture satellite terminals ) receivers and that of radar detectors.
That's when an unintentional source should be mixed with the LO and
re-radiate out as a spurious response.  Radar detectors typically operate
in frequencies well above 960 MHz and are, therefore, exempt from current
Part 15 emissions limits.  However, the new use of swept frequency
oscillators by manufacturers of radar detectors has reportedly led to the
increasing reports of interference with VSATs.


Tim Foo

                      Ken Javor                                                 
                      <ken.javor@emccomplian         To:      "Grasso, Charles" 
"''" <>                   
                      Sent by:                       cc:      (bcc: Wan Juang 
                      owner-emc-pstc@majordo         Subject: Re: Question on 
highest frequency used                                          
                      08/21/02 07:18 AM                                         
                      Please respond to Ken                                     

Putting on my Master of the Obvious hat, I would say that I would expect
that a 12 GHz receiver would generate some frequencies in excess of the 50
MHz DSP, for a local oscillator, say.  But you shouldn't have to test to
multiples of the LO frequency, since it is a clean cw signal.  Testing up
the highest LO frequency ought to be sufficient.  So I would say you should
test up to 5X the clock frequency, and then also at frequencies that the LO
can be tuned to.  In fact, I believe there are special requirements to make
sure LOs don't radiate out of receiver-connected antennas, right?

on 8/20/02 11:23 AM, Grasso, Charles at wrote:

> Hi - and just when I thought I had it all
> figured out..
> I have a question on the FCC requirement to test
> a product to the highest frequency used.
> Say a company has an RF receiver that has a
> DSP processor in it running at 50MHz. Lets
> also say that said receiver is pointed at a
> transmitter that has a 12Ghz signal.
> Should I test the receiver to
> a) 5X the 50MHz or
> b) 5x the 12GHz transmitter signal?
> We have an FCC interpretation - bet you
> can't guess what it is..
> Charles Grasso
> Senior Compliance Engineer
> Echostar Technologies Corporation
> phone: 303.706.5467
> FAX: 303.799.6222
> Charles Grasso
> Senior Compliance Engineer
> Echostar Technologies Corporation
> phone: 303.706.5467
> FAX: 303.799.6222
> -------------------------------------------
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Ken Javor
EMC Compliance
Huntsville, Alabama

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