>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kurt Fischer [mailto:kurt.fisc...@hyperinterop.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 7:03 AM
>To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
>Subject: Real product interference source at 121 MHz
>Hello all,
>A strange request but this has become an interference issue 
>with a sattelite communications link There seems to be a very 
>strong interferer at 121 MHz that is intermittent in nature 
>and physically located in Northern USA/Canada. 
>It could be the marketing of a non-compliant consumer products 
>or perhaps some after market sattelite rec. retro-fit kit??
>Has anyone else had this experience in the last year --- (the 
>problem was not present 2 years ago)?
>It does appear to getting worse and is spreading 
>geographically as well.
>Kurt Fischer
>Hyper Corp
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Looks like you're also getting some interference to your sig!

Seriously, this is in the Aeronautical Mobile allocation, and I would think
that any unauthorized emissions at that frequency would be an extremely high
priority for FCC and FAA attention. IIRC, many airports have DF equipment to
quickly find local emissions. OTOH, if you are being harmed by an authorized
emitter, then you have a tough problem. Isn't 121.5 MHz allocated to EPIRB's
and ELT's? And I understand that these beacons are being slowly forced to a
400 MHz frequency?

I think you'll need to tell us more about your victim system and what you
know about the interfering source(s).



Ed Price
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
Cubic Defense Systems
San Diego, CA  USA
858-505-2780  (Voice)
858-505-1583  (Fax)
Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty
Shake-Bake-Shock - Metrology - Reliability Analysis

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