
Go to:       ts.nist.gov/standards/conformity/mra/mra.cfm

Select:     "APEC Tel MRA"

Select:     "How to apply for CAB designation under the APEC Tel MRA"

Bob Heller
3M EMC Laboratory, 76-1-01
St. Paul, MN 55107-1208
Tel:  651- 778-6336
Fax:  651-778-6252

             "Knighten, Jim L"                                             
             adata.com>                                                 To 
             Sent by:                  <emc-p...@ieee.org>                 
             emc-p...@ieee.org                                          cc 
             07/07/2008 04:28          Query on dealing with BSMI for EMC  

Esteemed experienced colleagues,

My company has a NVLAP-accredited EMC test laboratory in California.  My
product is ITE equipment (high value, low volume) and does not include
telecom.  My method of certification is usually the Declaration of
Conformity.  I understand that I can request my scope of accreditation be
increased by NVLAP to include Taiwan’s CNS 13438.

I am struggling to understand the process to follow in dealing with Taiwan.
Do I need to become a BSMI (Taiwan) recognized laboratory and get a lab
number?  If so, how do I proceed?

I appreciate any enlightenment.


James L. Knighten, Ph.D.


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