In message <16641305538561692815456@IMAC8632>, Jon Francis 
<> writes
>My understanding (happy to be corrected) of the reasons for harmonic 
>current control are:
>1/ Limiting voltage distortion
>2/ Limiting apparent power requirements.
>Since transmission and generating capacity is rated in VA (kVA 
>transformers, Isquared R losses in lines) rather than watts, then 
>harmonic current that contributes to VA but not to Watts requires 
>increased utility capacity for no extra true power delivered.

I have several times suggested 2/ as a reason; the I^2R losses represent 
an economic loss to the industry, but the supply industry experts say it 
is not a significant issue.

It is significant at the product level if the poor power factor results 
in a current exceeding common wall-socket ratings.
This is my travelling signature, adding no superfluous mass.
John M Woodgate


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