Not sure what exactly you want to specialize in, inside EMC.

However here is my advice:
and these two are REALLY important:
5. LEARN, LEARN, LEARN; EXPERIMENT = become a Hands On Expert

KNOW EVERY RULE! To me, an EMC Engineer is a walking encyclopedia resource. 
Knows applicable rules and testing requirements. Knows every applicable NRTL 
[multiple ones] along with prices/estimation of ANY compliance testing [and 
TIME to test] For example an EMC Engineer will know the answer to the question, 
"What do we need in order to get such and such product sold in ??" Knows the 
labs to go to, how much to budget for testing cost, how much time, and how many 
number of units for testing. Will partner with Safety, because UL type labs 
destroy stuff. 

CHANGE MINDSET! Think in terms of 'executive' and NOT 'engineer' Do NOT be a 
'fireman'. Be pre-emptive! KNOW every product your firm IS developing and 
probably WILL be developing. Always 'nose around' because EMC is usually, and 
catastrophically, left to the end of the Product Development cycle. You NEVER 
want to face the demand, "We're ready to go to Production, so fix it, but don't 
change anything!" Plan, plan, plan! Make certain there are enough 
representative samples. Product managers usually assume the units made for 
'checking' Production will suffice NOT TRUE! Allocate units for TEST and SAVE 
them, store them [if volume of production allows] To be effective here one must 
be equally comfortable with Marketing, Manufacturing, Engineering, AND 
Financial Depts. Same level of respect as Legal, because compliance is a 
'legal' issue. Set parameters. For example Sony REQUIRES 8dB margin at the Test 
Lab! Not as easy as it sounds. HP used to set 6 dB [sigh, those were the days]

MAKE CONTACTS! You will need access to resources, services, and [sometimes] 
agency approval people. For expertise and advice go to the local IEEE EMC 
meetings [do not have to be an IEEE member to go]. Develop a list of Test Labs 
[especially people inside the labs] and use them to inform/confirm 
requirements. It is important to KNOW the people, and have them know you, in 
various countries, organizations, and agencies. Try to become a 
'representative' of your firm as rules are being made.

BECOME A TEACHER! Make EMC "part of the Design cycle", not an obstacle to 
overcome AFTER the fact. It's always easier and cheaper to implement design 
impacts early in the process. That means giving some short tutorials, lessons, 
'rules-of-thumb', and most importantly, BASIC CONCEPTS of 'Designing for EMC' 
to Engineering, so when they are faced with a design trade-off they decide the 
'right' way. And, wedge into the schedule some DESIGN REVIEWS! If Engineering 
hides their designs something is wrong anyway. Be prepared to do design reviews 
informally, lunch conversations, small bit of 'show-and-tell' during a coffee 
break, or "please brag about your design" questions. You can do Design Review 
without slowing down the development process, but YOU MUST KEEP ON TOP OF IT! 

LEARN, LEARN, LEARN; EXPERIMENT  Experiment means to try things just to see the 
effect [develop EXPERIENCE]. An EMC Engineer is expected to know how to head 
off EMC problems and know how to solve EMC problems - especially within the 
real life constraint of necessary design trade-offs. Nothing helps more than a 
thorough knowledge of RF/Microwave, ESD/LIGHTNING, and Mechanical structures. 
Use any 'visualization' technique you can to be able to understand what's 
happening and how to convey that to others. Sources for learning: 
Instrumentation firms selling their wares - have them demo for you. Test Labs 
trying to sell test time explain in great detail how tests are performed. The 
aformentioned EMC meetings usually provide lectures. And, with the internet, 
this excellent group will answer anything.

I cannot stress enough the importance of learning why/how EMC works on a 'real' 
level. Every Engineer has design constraints and real-life physical constraints 
and it does not help to tell them simply "do it this way" when it is simply NOT 
possible. [I actually got some clients away from Mike King, in LA, because when 
his client failed EMC, he simply pragmatically responded with something along 
the line of "You didn't do what I told you to." Actually, what Engineering 
really needs is an UNDERSTANDING of EMC, then when faced with a trade-off; THEY 
can decide the way that has the least negative impact. Everybody wins. So, 
learn AND teach.

Also, set up pre-testing site near your firm's Engineering location for you and 
the Engineers to see the effects of some of their decisions - real time. And 
prepare some short demos and seminars. All "hands on" with practical examples 
they can walk away with.

Robert Macy, PE

AJM International Electronics
P O Box 74241
46007 N 38th Ave, Suite 100
New River, AZ  85087
tel: 480 466 0895
fax: 623 465 2974

--- wrote:

From: "Murisa, Egide" <>
Subject: Re: [PSES] Job Opening for EMC Engineer
Date:         Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:32:25 +0000

Hello EMC Experts,

Now that Don listed the job announcement, it got me thinking to ask you guys 
who have been in this industry for a long time.
EMC Engineering is not something that is being taught in colleges; at least not 
at the University I just graduated from.
After a few months working as an EMC/EMI Testing Intern, I became fascinated by 
this engineering field, I feel like I want to do this my entire life.

However, companies do not want to hire entry level engineers as EMC Engineers, 
they want several years of experience.
As experts, would you advise an entry level engineer like me to pursue this 
career right away, or first find another Electrical Engineering position first 
to gain an experience in the industry?  Your responses will be highly 



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