Now this is cool stuff! I haven't been this excited since my EMF days at the 
university. I can envision that classic smirk on the face of my hero, Carl 
Baum. Really miss him. RIP old friend. 

Gary Stuyvenberg

     On Sunday, April 26, 2020, 10:43:09 PM EDT, Manny Barron 
<> wrote:  
This is an interesting post.

I don't have an answer for the question because I don't knowthe answer.  
Instead I want to focus onthe Scalar Wave term and its longitudinal propagation 
characteristic mentioned inthe inquiry.

What piqued my interest was the association of a "longitudinalscalar wave" with 
Electromagnetics, since the EM theory that I've dealtwith addresses transverse 
orthogonal vector related waves.  What exactly is a "longitudinal scalarwave" 
as it relates specifically to Electromagnetics, how is it created,and how does 
it interact in the physical world if it even exists?  This is the first time 
I've heard of theScalar Wave term as it relates to EM theory. So I spent some 
Google search time web surfing to scope this out.  I am not going to explain 
what a Scalar Waveis because after reading and trying to digest all that I read 
about it, I stilldon't fully understand it.

Instead I want to point to what appears to be crediblereferences that address 
the Scalar Wave topic. For those who are interested, be cautious what you find 
on the web,there are all kinds of weird conspiracy theories about this.  But I 
also sense that there is factualliterature that describes the theoretical and 
experimental aspects of theScalar Wave topic.

One very interesting note is in the Preface of the book"Scalar Wave Driven 
Energy Applications" by Professor Bahman Zohuri(University of New Mexico), 
Springer 2019 (see link below, click on See Inside).  Here he makes a statement 
that Scalar Wavescan "… pass through EM shielding (i.e., Faraday cages) …".  
Okay, Wow! Now I want to know and understand more about this.


What are Scalar Waves?

Scalar WavesResearch

New Weaponof Tomorrow's Battlefield

CIA Website

Technical Book – Scalar Wave Driven Energy Applications

Technical Book – Directed Energy Beam Weapons


Hopefully this is helpful to those out there who may beinterested and curious.

Although I did not even try to answer the posted question.



Manny Barron


On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 3:45 PM Grasso, Charles <> wrote:

Hello EMC gurus:

Its Friday afternoon in Denver CO and, as I am working from home and as such I 
have expanded uninterrupted time 
for silly EM thoughts and pondering.  Here is my latest:

Given that a) Scalar waves are a longitudinal wave created by the lack of a 
time varying B field (in some cases
it also has no efield) and  that b) when signal currents flow in opposite 
directions the B-fields cancel out (which 
we try to do as much as possible) does it not follow then that c) a scalar wave 
is created?

Just wondering.  Happy Friday!!

Crackpot Theorist - from his basement in Colorado!


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