I'm half way through retrofitting a Cincinnati VMC with a MESA m5i20 setup. I
would welcome some advice as to the best way to control the spindle. My goal is
to be able to do rigid tapping and fully automatic tool changes. My thoughts are
that since I am planning on adding a 4th rotary axis very soon I would like to
not use the remaining spare axis on the m5i20 card. So I was thinking about
using one of the digital outputs via a PWM HAL component. Then filtering the
output with a simple RC low pass filter to provide the analog 0-10V that the
spindle drive requires. The direction control is trivial using 2 relays driven
from a couple of digital outputs. I wonder would this setup provide a command
signal accurate enough for rigid tapping - or would it even matter given that
the spindle generates an index pulse. Incidentally the spindle also has an
output that indicates when the spindle is upto the requested speed, I was
wondering whether it's worth using it or whether it's overkill.

My other line of thought was to use a second m5i20 card and control the spindle
with one of the servo channels. Is this feasible? Overkill? A better option? Has
anyone had an experience good or bad running 2 of the m5i20 cards together in
the same pc. Looking at the integration manual it looks very doable. Any real
world experience would be much appreciated. So far I've got coordinated motion
of the 3 axes and homing etc all sorted. Once the spindle is addressed it will
be time to move onto the biggest hurdle: Automatic tool change using the 21 tool
carousel. I'm planning on harvesting lots of good info from the MAZAK 

I welcome any comments and suggestions on the above. Also would like to say how
impressed I've been with EMC and HAL so far. I've been running retrofit
production machines on Mach3 for the last couple of years but have seen the
light and am now in the process of converting them all over to EMC. Thankyou to
all the developers who have obviously invested a huge amount of time and effort
in making EMC so robust and configurable.


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