Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> I'm in the process of hooking up one of Steve Stallings #106 spindle 
> controllers, and have run into either a config problem, a buglet or a 
> hardware problem.
> I thought it might be a bios vs parport thing, and when I checked, I found 
> the 
> bios was setting it for SPP, so I changed it to ECP, which did at least 
> enable the spindle dir output as an output, where before I don't know what it 
> was other than it sat at 45mv regardless of what I did.
> I can, using the halmeter, see that its enable goes true/false according to 
> the state of the spindle buttons in axis.  I can also see the value going up 
> and down when I hit the + and - keys, (BTW, those buttons should be 
> auto-repeat, all three of them, having to click the mouse for every percent 
> of speed increase is a PITA) but the output is false and stays there, both at 
> pwmgen.0.pwm and at
> So it seems to me that pwmgen isn't genning any pwm's.  Try saying that 3 
> times quickly. :-)
> So, what do I check next folks?

Divide and conquer.  Pwmgen is known to work, so thats not likely to be 
the problem.  Ditto for parport.  Test the two individually.

Parport first since its easy to test.  Use halcmd to hook a signal to 
it, something like:

net testing

then toggle the signal:

sets testing 1
sets testing 0

check with a voltmeter to see if its toggling.

Then pwmgen - read the man page and hal documentation.  There are two 
functions, one needs to be in the slow (servo) thread, the other needs 
to be in the fast (base) thread.  If you miss either one, no output. 
There is an enable input - it needs to be true, or no output.  You need 
to select the right PWM mode.  You need to provide a non-zero input value.

Use halscope to examine the pwmgen output until you get want you want, 
then connect it to the parport.


John Kasunich

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