Hi Everyone,
I've just moved over to EMC2.3.1 after using 2.1.x for sometime - great piece 
of code, never had any problems with running my mill.  I have a few questions 
regarding stepgen tuning under EMC2.3.1, I also changed my CNC PC to an AMD3400 
based system, heres what I did-
1.Ran the latency test - result max jitter ~15000ns (had to swap NVIDIA card 
back to old card as NVIDIA 9600 card gave max jitter of ~50000 to 60000ns when 
moving windows around, I'm a complete linux novice so I don't know how to 
switch to the nv driver as recommended in the wiki)
2.Used step conf wizard to configure .ini and .hal files
3.Looked through .ini and .hal files to check values written.

I noticed that 
.ini file base period was set to 100000ns rather than the wizard recommend 
.hal file contained large values for dirhold dirsetup (66000 and 36000, I guess 
these still equate to 1 base period if base period is set to 100000?)
.hal file had values of 1 and 0 set for steplen and stepspace (also evaluates 
to 1 base period?)
.hal parport.<pin>.reset-time set to 2500ns (drive requirement is 2500ns for a 
minimum pulse width) does reset-time relate to pulse length or is it steplen - 
I'm confused.

In the end I did this:
Max velocity required is 20in/minute on any axis
Max axis scale is 11176 steps/inch
Max jitter ~15000ns
Drive pulse width 2500ns
Drive dirsetup time 5000ns
Drive holdtime 5000ns

So 11176kHz generates 60ipm so set based period to give headroom on this, I 
used 30000ns (16kHzish and 89ipm max velocity).  The mill is only an X2 with 
ball screws so more than 20ipm is a bit too fast.

Set dirsetup to 1 in hal file i.e. rounds upto one based period
Set dirhold to 1 in hal file i.e. rounds upto one based period
Set steplen to 1 in hal file i.e. rounds upto one based period
Set stepspace to 1 in hal file i.e. rounds upto one based period
Left the reset-time value of 2500 alone since I dont know what it does!

All seems well with no joint following errors but can someone confirm my logic 
on the choice of parameters please before I let the mill loose on a job.
Many thanks

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