On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 08:41:23AM +0200, Denis Stremplewski wrote:
> Hi,
> Does exist a way for automatically shutting off the power of the motors at 
> the end of a program (something like Mxx), in order to avoid a self heating 
> of the motors  ?

You don't want to do this.

In a stepper system, any time you turn off the amplifier you risk losing
position.  That's because when you turn the amplifier back on, even if
it powers on in the same phase as it powered off, it might pull in to a
spot +-4 full steps from where it was powered off.  Furthermore, there's
no warning before an interactive jog can begin, so you can't make sure
that the amplifier has had a chance to turn on before the first step is
made.  Any time the amplifier is turned off in a stepper system, you
should assume that you have lost position and need to re-home and/or
touch off again.

Instead, follow your motors' datasheet maximum current and case
temperature limits, and live with the fact that a stepper gets hot to
the touch even when operated properly.


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