> Yes, this confuses me, too.  It may be that some other parameter is 
> actually causing it, and the I term either helps or doesn't help to 
> suppress the error. 

With everything at 0 but P and D I get fairly low error. As I increase 
'I' the error during cruise rises. If I is fairly low you can see the 
error increasing during cruise as the I term builds up.

> error.  One thing that can cause increasing error is when the servo runs 
> out of voltage.

Nope. Flat out it will move at around 8m/min. I'm testing at around 3m/min.

> A very slight increase in commanded speed will cause an extreme error, 
> and a slight reduction in commanded velocity will allow it to run longer 
> before error develops.

That makes sense but it doesn't explain what I am seeing at cruise.

   If you are using this with some intelligent
> drive, rather than a raw power amp, then the tuning parameters in the 
> smart drive can greatly complicate things.  (I'm guessing with a P of 
> 1200, that is not a smart drive, though.)

It is a plain PWM amp. The 5i20 generates the PWM.

> I'm imagining a very-wrong FF2 setting that causes a large error at
> the acceleration portion of the move.  

I'm currently testing with no FF1 or FF2. Any amount of FF1 increases 
the following error. I haven't tried FF2.

> During acceleration, "I"
> would wind up to push this toward zero. 

That is what I would expect. In practice I appear to be getting exactly 
the opposite.

> Once you
> have no appreciable error you can add plenty of I and it won't work
> against you.  But it WILL work against slowly changing conditions like
> putting something heavy on the table or taking a heavy cut.

I thought I was supposed to compensate to compensate for slowly changing 
or steady state loads.


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