Are you using backlash compensation? If so, what is your backlash 
compensation speed?


Jeffrey Pease wrote:
> Hi EMC,
> I'm tuning my machine, and I am having some weird problems with the  
> EMC spiral example. This issue is entirely repeatable, and seems to  
> happen without fail regardless of any feed rate, acceleration or speed  
> settings that I have tried.
> What happens is on a particular place in every arc, the X and Y axis  
> both seem to stutter in the same way - pausing for a second before  
> continuing to finish the arc. This occurs in the area of the arc right  
> before each axis changes direction to start drawing the other half of  
> the arc - so the X axis stutters at 2:30, 3:30, 8:30, and the 9:30  
> hour positions (the extreme left and right sides of each arc of the  
> spiral) and the Y axis stutters at 12:30, 5:30, 6:30 and 11:30 (the  
> extreme top and bottom of each arc). This strikes me as an unintuitive  
> spot for this stuttering to occur for each axis, since it seems like  
> the actual movement required at these points in each axis is  
> relatively small - once everything speeds up, it seems fine again.
> I have lubricated all the guide rods and lead screws (thinking it  
> might be some sort of binding issue), but that has not helped.
> The spiral appears to be perfectly smooth in these areas on the EMC  
> preview, so I don't believe it's a programming issue.
> I have no explanation for why this glitch is occurring in these spots,  
> and no real idea how to fix it. Any ideas?
> My machine is using steppers and lead screws. Running EMC2 on Ubuntu  
> 8.04.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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