I do the similar thing in Debian with Openbox

* no gdm in my machine. You can disable it with rcconf or with
sysv-rc-conf or with update-rc.d

* In /etc/inittab

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -n -l /usr/local/sbin/autologin 38400 tty1

* /usr/local/sbin/autologin file as:

import os
os.execlp('login', 'login', '-f', 'my_user_name', '0')

* add the followings at the end of ~/.bashrc
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then

* choosing the default x-session-manager and x-window-manager (as root)

update-alternatives --all

* add to following at the end of ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh file
to start EMC2
(sleep 5; emc) &

For fluxbox, use ~/.fluxbox/startup


On 10/30/09, Colin MacKenzie <cfmacken...@rtitampa.com> wrote:
> I am a command line guy too. I'm not sure why you want the text login over
> the default gnome login, though I do understand the desire for a more
> lightweight window manager like XFCE or to have EMC be a full screen window
> and hide the window manager extras.
> Apt-get install your desired window manager, then edit:
> /etc/X11/default-display-manager
> You can also from the gnome login screen, select the other installed window
> manager by clicking the session button and changing sessions to XFCE or X or
> whatever. The login manager will then remember the last selected window
> manager each time.
> Generally people think text mode is faster than graphics mode but tests have
> shown that text mode is harmful to real-time performance -- its counter
> intuitive.
> If you don't want the graphics login screen at all. Then as Mark/Stephen
> said remove the link in /etc/init.d to gdm (gdm starts x windows),
> "update-rc.d" is a command for updating these /etc/init.d links. With gdm
> not started at the default runlevel the graphical login wont appear, after
> logging into command prompt "startx" will load directly into x windows using
> the default window manager for your user and "startx" could be placed in the
> bashrc file to automatically start it.
> C
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pat Lyons [mailto:p27...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:25 AM
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Emc-users] EMC2 / OS implementation
> Hello-
> I'm currently trying to setup my emc2 based controller while waiting for my
> mesa cards to arrive, and I have some questions.
> Here's what I'm looking to do:
> I want to push the startup button on the computer case and have the screen
> present login prompt via command line.
> upon logging in I want emc2 to startup in some simple window manager like
> xwindows or something (fluxbox?).
> what are the steps I would have to take to do this?
> I used to be a command line junkie back in the day but I've forgotten almost
> everything I knew... so this n00bery I'm exhibiting here is extra
> frustrating to me.
> Thanks for any suggestions or info.
> -pat
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