I'm also an Alibre user. Some years ago I got the free version of Alibre 
Express. I found it to be just what I needed -- until they "upgraded" 
it. Then it stopped supporting creation of two dimensional drawings from 
3-D models.

I recently bought the current version ($97 I think) before they required 
that you buy the one year maintenance. It is an excellent product. The 
free CAM version doesn't support 2-D profiling. The only output mode it 
seems to support is a raster scan where it moves up and down on the Z axis.

It does support outputting DXF files. The free version of CAMBAM can 
input those files and generate just what I need. (I think that's the way 
I made the combination work -- it's been a while.)


On 3/23/2010 1:57 PM, Andy Pugh wrote:
> On 23 March 2010 18:28, Stephen Wille Padnos<spad...@sover.net>  wrote:
>> Roland Jollivet wrote:
>>> I truly wish some company would bring out a 'real' CAD/CAM package at 1/5th
>>> of the price and blow the others out the water.
>> Well, someone actually did.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be going
>> very well for them.
>> I bought CadMax Solid Master<http://www.cadmax.com>  about 5 years ago.
>> It's a real parametric solid modeling package, with a dynamic feature
>> tree (much like SolidWorks), import/export of several formats (though
>> unfortunately IGES costs extra), and fully associative sketches and
>> prints.
> Alibre is cheaper still and supports IGES without extra expense. All
> it seems to lack is the ability to change dimensions in a drawing and
> have the model change to match (and I am not completely sure that the
> facility is missing, it might be I have not found it).
> I used AutoDesk Inventor all day, every day for a couple of years and
> I have to confess that there are not a great number of Inventor
> features missing from Alibre that I notice the lack of.
> The $197 / £89 version has a Demo version of the MecSoft CAM package
> available, and I believe that there is a way to unlock it into a very
> limited version (Alibre CAM Xpress) but I can't figure out how. The
> Demo version doesn't output G-Code.
> I would certainly say that it is worth trying the 30 Day free trial
> version of Alibre Design, it runs under VMWare on a Mac and probably
> also under Wine in Linux.
> After 30 days it reverts to the "Express" Version, but even that seems
> perfectly usable, the main limits being 5 parts per assembly and no
> Inventor/ProE import/export.

Kenneth Lerman
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