At 11:44 AM 3/28/2010, you wrote:
>Sounds like you may have a homing issue..   does Axis indicate that the
>machine is homed after you "home" and then move away from the home position?
>Once homed Axis should indicated homed until you initiate a new home
>routine or you Estop the machine..  (there are probably a few other ways
>to un-"home" the machine also)
>  >>it shows the virtual cutter in the Axis display 2" down the X axis
>even though the cutting head is sitting in the home position.
>When you did the touchoff with G54 and entered 2.0 you were telling 
>EMC2 that you want the G54 work coordinates X axis position to be 
>2.0 at the moment you
>did the touchoff.   Consequently the display updated so that it 
>shows that you are at G54 coordinate position X 2.0, even though you
>are at machine position X 0.0.  That is entirely normal.  Without 
>moving the machine you can have a different X position for each of 
>the work coordinate system (G54, G55, G56 etc)
>G53 is the machine coordinate system.  So usually (but not always 
>depending on homing settings)  when you home the machine the G53 X 
>coordinate would be set to 0.0.
>I'd read up on the work coordinate systems.  Once you understand 
>those everything becomes much easier.


         I have a basic understanding of the coordinate systems and 
where they are stored.  Homing was not the issue.  Homing was working 
fine.  This pas weekend I had a little time to play, and monkeyed 
around with the ini file to coordinate the movement of the machine to 
the movement on the AXIS display.  That seems to have cleared the 
issue up completely, and touching off is working correctly now.  The 
only reason I set the "touch off" position from the homed position 
was to see if "Touch Off" was actually working, or if I needed to 
delve a little deeper.  Touching off from home was not the desired 
outcome, it was just a test.  The machine, when touch off wasn't 
working, did show the nice little "center" circles on each axis 
indicating that all three axes had been homed.


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