>> You asked for a way to test your axis, and got 3 solutions:
> Maybe that is the problem. I didn't ask for solution. (My english is not
> so good so maybe I ask by mystake.)

Ok, I didn't understand that like that.

> I propose solution. The software solution to just show message with home
> difference when homing is done. (just need something like "in basic"
> Print "X offset ",current_machine_position - machine_home_position just
> before setting home position before after homing axis. (of course for
> each axis when homed)

well, you are proposing to make a change to the software so it detects a 
fault of your machine.
I am not sure if anyone else wants this feature, and you surely understand 
we can't incorporate all features possible.

Otoh, the change you want implies about 2-3h worth of digging + coding, and 
some additional testing.
Maybe someone who is interested in this will spend that time on the feature. 
Then you can either get a patch (which you apply on your local sources), or 
it gets incorporated into emc2 if enough people want it.


>> * use the home switch for probing
> How to do that if home is limit too?

You can have a special M-code called which unhooks the home limit 
connection, so you can do the probe, then (using another m-code) reconnect 
it again.

> As I remember it's posted on linuxcnc forum and emc-developers group.
> And when I do git pull I got that filter menu to work. few day's lather
> the filter menu dissapear. bkubicek provided zip.file as response all is
> on the linux cnc forum. *http://tinyurl.com/y9u5yoh
> *After patch then menu again works but next git pull kill that.
>> If you want to help resolving such an issue, it really helps to provide
>> further information (then it gets sorted faster):
>> * when the original patch was added,
>> * when it stopped working,
>> * a patch that fixes the issue (either patch or a pull address from your
>> repo where it's fixed).
> It's all posted at *http://tinyurl.com/y9u5yoh
> *Seem's bad idea to have two locations for that. I like forum but the
> response is low.

That's because the forum is not a supported way to reach emc2 developers.
A lot of people wanted to have the forums, so we set it up, but that doesn't 
mean you'll get usefull or valid responses on the forum.
Reading that page (not much time I can spend on it) I don't see a definitive 
I was looking for:
* currently the filter in emc2 is broken, this is the patch to make it work 
Instead there is some discussion between you (I guess) and bkubicek, which 
ends at:
"There is now a partially working implementation for filtering."
That doesn't tell me the status.. partially working doesn't sound like it 
should be integrated in emc2 yet.
There is a zip file attached containing some sources, but without a proper 
description and without copyright and license information (until it has 
proper licensing we surely can't think about integrating it into emc2).

>> For developing related things the devel mailing list is probably more
>> appropriate.
> I like EMC2 but has filling that 'developers' send's homemade machine's
> and hobby operator in background with their wishes. I just can't bet it
> why the targeting big commercial machines with GPL software more than
> hobby one?
> am I missing something?!?

The main goal of emc2 is to make a solid software which works on a broad 
range of machines.
You can configure it to run on hobby machines, but also on serious (> 3-4t) 
machining centers.


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