At 10:50 AM 5/16/2010, you wrote:
>On Sun, 2010-05-16 at 07:07 -0400, Mark Wendt (Contractor) wrote:
>... snip
> > Problem is, those treadmill motors are almost impossible to find
> > anymore, unless you happen to stumble across a parking lot full of
> > used treadmills.  Surplus Center hasn't had them in stock for almost
> > a year now.
> >
> > Mark
>I haven't had to buy any recently, but it sure seems like they are
>scarce. Dumpsters and trash day cruising seem to be the best source for
>these now. The windmill people have driven the prices up on eBay.
>Some of the RC people make there own out-runner motors. Some of these
>motors get up to 2 kW. Shaft sensors would be needed for our
>Kirk Wallace
>California, USA

I use two of them, one each, to power the saws on my saw 
beveler.  I've been watching Surplus Center for a while now, waiting 
for them to become available again so I can pick up a couple as 
spares.  Been looking for a long while..



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