On 05/18/2010 10:21 AM, Dave wrote:
> Everyone has their own style. I try and let a cam program do most of the
> heavy lifting for Gcode generation as it makes fewer mistakes than I do.
> ;-)
> Anyway, you are best to not assume much at the beginning on your
> programs. Set everything the way you want to operate when you start up.
> Do the same on all of your programs and you won't have as much
> to second guess. A lot of things in Gcode are modal. Some are remembered
> from program to program. If you set your G54 offsets in one program and
> load up another program, those offsets from the previous program are
> still in place.
> The less you assume, the fewer tools you will break. :-)
> I tend to put a default feed and speed after each tool change. That way
> you are also starting in a consistent "place", ie 500 rpm at 2 ipm etc.
> If you copy and paste then you also have a reminder that you need to
> change from 2 ipm for the next code segment.
> G53 is machine coordinates. You can set your G54 offsets so they mimic
> the G53 coordinates but you don't need to. G53 coords are usually set by
> homing. G53 is not modal - so you can't change to machine coords and
> then have that stay in effect for the following lines of G code. But you
> can do a move in machine coordinates via something like G53 X10 F10.
> Axis has a pull down tab so you can look at the DROs in machine
> coordinates.
> Dave

Thanks for the info Dave!  I'm at the point right now where I don't know 
enough to have a "style"...  ;-)  Good and best practices will help me 
on my way, and since my G code files are going to be fairly simple (not 
really necessary for tool offsets and all that kinda stuff) I'm hoping 
that getting over the initial hump will then see things becoming a bit 

I did forget to mention, I upgraded EMC2 on my machine to 2.4.  Andy 
mentioned something about NURBS in one of his posts, and gave me the URL 
for our wiki page on it:
> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/emcinfo.pl?NURBS

Did this make it into 2.4?  I still have yet to delve into the new 
doccy's much on 2.4 since I just upgraded the other day.



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