I attended a garage sale today, and accidentally bought a Saitek P880
joypad for $2 (brand new, never used).

If I plug it in, I can see it in jscalibrator. By all accounts it
works well. I am a member of group plugdev.

I tried to follow this web page, which also talks about Saitek P880:


However, EMC2 saw NO signals from this joystick, if I tried to do
halcmd show all, no buttons or anything would appear in the list.

I decided to comment out everything and left only one statement:
loadusr -W hal_input -KRAL Saitek

Even then nothing was listed (no buttons or other things).

I have a feeling that I am missing something simple, maybe something
in xorg.conf or whatever.

lsmod shows joydev loaded. if I do cat /dev/inupt/js0 and press
buttons, I get some characters output so I assume that it is working.

Any ideas?

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