vh5...@libero.it wrote:
> Hi guys,
> today I started my machine and EMC2 didn't start automatically as all the 
> days 
> (it is in the start-up section) so I tried to launch it manually and I got 
> the 
> error "ECMC2 is still runnnig. Restart it". So I realized that the process 
> was 
> still active. I killed the running processes and restarted EMC2 but nothing 
> happened. The problem is that I cannot see Axis interface... Axis and EMC2 
> are 
> listed in the processes list (sleeping) but I cannot see the grafic 
> interface. 
> I tried to stop the processes and restart them but nothing changed. 
> I'm running Ubuntu 8.04, EMC2 2.2.8
> All the other application are running correctly, only Axis is hidden.
You should have a "task bar" on your main screen with a block for each 
Clicking on those should bring EMC up on the current desktop.  But, 
maybe the problem
is Axis is not starting for some reason, but the rest of EMC is not 
completely shutting down.
You may need to start EMC from a terminal window so you can see any 
error messages.
in your EMC directory, there should be a subdirectory scripts, so you 
run <something>/scripts/emc
and it should start up, and report some info in the terminal window.  
You'll have to determine
what <something> is on your particular system.


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