On 1/30/2011 4:34 AM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
> Now, my nefarious reason - I'm realized that a career of hand scraping
> is not for me.  I've mapped the entire length of the hold-down/bed with
> a depth gauge, and know, for every inch of X, the difference between the
> current station and the 0 point for the Z axis.  For instance, I set my
> depth gauge to read 0.000" at X0.  At X1, for illustration's sake, lets
> say Z is .001", X2 - Z = 0.0005", X3 = .001", and so on and so forth for
> the entire length of the hold-down/bed at 1" intervals (had to do this
> so I could get this close while filing and scraping).  The readings of
> the depth gauge are repeatable, so I'm pretty sure the depth gauge is
> giving me accurate readings.
> Hi Mark -  I sympathise. I did many hundreds of hours hand scraping and
> filing during my apprenticeship in the late sixties, early seventies :)
> A good roughing hand tool is a new flat 8 inch sharpening block to get
> rid of large high spots. Use it like a sanding block.
Hi Steve - thanks!  Yep, like putting in hardwood floors for a living, I 
have definitely made the determination it would not be the career for 
me...  The draw filing and scraping are pretty close to the final 
phase.  I forgot to mention the vacuum hold-down bed is made of 
aluminum, and the vixen file works pretty good on removing decent 
amounts of metal.  I used to use vixen files back in the 70's when I 
puttered around with automotive body work using lead.  They're great 
files for not getting clogged with the material being removed, and can 
leave a pretty decent finish if they're used correctly.
>> My question is, can comp_file be used to map out those inconsistent
>> heights in software, so that I don't have to file and scrape anymore?  ;-)
> A good hardware fix is always better than a software fudge. As per other
> suggestions, rig up a dremel or the like to finish it off.
The design of the cutting head kinda precludes me from doing that.  As I 
mentioned to Gene, the procedure for flattening the bed was one of those 
things that kinda slipped past me when I was designing the machine.
> Steve Blackmore

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