On 11/4/2011 2:17 PM, Dave wrote:
> On 11/4/2011 12:40 PM, gene heskett wrote:
>> On Friday, November 04, 2011 01:26:34 PM Viesturs Lācis did opine:
>>> Hello, gentlemen!
>>> I am in trouble with that double-spindle wood milling machine.
>>> It has a tendency to freeze up.
>>> I have been trying to understand, what is wrong, but the symptoms are
>>> telling that the problem is in the small wood dust, that gets inside
>>> PC case and everywhere else, because the more machine is working, the
>>> more errors it produce - let rest for few hours and it is back on
>>> track.
>>> My proposed solution - put PC and monitor in a totally closed,
>>> dust-proof case.
>> My solution to that is to put the machine and motor driver electronics on a
>> shelf about level with the counter spring pulley, with a lexan shield
>> between the machine and the electrics.  No attempt has been made to seal
>> the computer case at all.
>> I have cut a lot of wood with it, and have not had the machine collect
>> enough dust to cause any problems.
>> For my latest motor driver kit, the housing is built with pretty tight
>> joints, with a 360 watt psu, a 6" ball bearing 120 volt rotron fan and 4 of
>> the MM-542 drivers in it.  The fan is to distribute the heat to the
>> housing, which is either 1/8 or 3/16 alu plate.  It gets pretty warm after
>> a couple of hours, so another 6" rotron is sitting on edge on top of the
>> enclosure blowing air across the top, and 4 hours later the front of the
>> box is maybe 110F when its 70F in the shop.  I'll do better at directing
>> its air flow when the heat hits next summer.  ;)
>>> But then there is a problem - how to cool the inside.
>>> I was thinking that PC components could be cooled with water, but I do
>>> not know, what to do with monitor.
>> I have a wide screen 18" LCD, also on the other side of the lexan divider,
>> and so far, knock on wood, zero problems.  I think I vacuumed the outside
>> once last summer.
>> OTOH, I suspect your setup might be getting 20x the use mine is, so you
>> might want to consider that.  I personally lose 3 or 4 keyboards to one of
>> any other problems, swarf is hell on keyboards.
>>> Could You, please, share Your experience and/or know-how about
>>> cases/boxes of PCs in industrial machines?
>>> Viesturs
>> My $.0.02.  :)
>> Cheers, Gene
> Yet another approach is to duct clean pressurized air into the cabinet
> from some other location and put a vent on the side of the box to allow
> the air to escape.
> If you run some 3" dryer duct and feed that with a fan similar to a
> bathroom fan (cheap ones are less than $20 around here), you can get air
> 40+ feet from the machine and direct it into the panel.
> It doesn't take much pressure to keep all of the dust out of the panel.
> Dave
One more option:  A panel air conditioner.   Hoffman sells them.  I 
think that Rittal might sell them also.  Seal everything up and cool it 
with with the AC.

I put an EMC2 system in a plant that cuts foam which gives off some very 
corrosive gases.    The machine has been running everyday for a year and 
a half.
The gases are so corrosive that any Stainless Steel less than 316 
rusts.  316 just turns dark.    Both the computer and the screen are 
inside the cooled cabinet.


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