On Sunday, January 01, 2012 08:37:16 PM gene heskett did opine:

> Greets everybody;
> I had gone back to an older $config because it had all the A axis stuff
> it it, and of course had to do a bit of fine tuning in the .ini file.
> But when I fired off a proggy that used the M3-4-5 spindle controls, I
> wrecked the first piece of pcb material I put in the jig.  Very
> carefully zeroed/homed to an electrical contact from the bit to the
> pcb, it ran a program that should have carved a recess in the board
> about .005" deep, but went a good 35 thou into it,  At which point I
> noted that the spindle was running backwards.
> Humm, dig into the .hal file, and reading the newest integrator manual
> on about page 51, I started to search thru the file & find where I
> needed to add a reverse to the direction pin.  I found a cw assignment,
> but not a ccw assignment, which, since that signal and the controller
> are rigged to reverse when that signal is true, and which it appears I
> could just change the name from -cw to -ccw to effect the logic
> reversal.  But that killed all spindle controls because the value being
> delivered to pwmgen for speed was stuck at 0 according to
> hal-configuration->watch.
> But with that stuff scattered all up and down a 120+ line hal file, I
> got the brilliant (yeah, sure) idea to move all the spindle related
> stuff into one contiguous stanza in the file.  Make it easier to track
> the setup, at least in my mind...
> Unforch, it is now complaining of a doubled pin assignment but the
> complaint is hidden behind the splash image.  I think, I only see it for
> maybe 50ms before the monitor goes blank and I have to hit the hardware
> reset to get it to reboot.  ATM, I cannot find a doubled assignment in
> the file.
> I just checked the times on the emc_debug.txt and emc_print.txt files,
> and it is not updating those for my startup attempts so I don't have
> any clues from there.
> grepping the hal file for parport.0.pin-14:
> net spindle-ccw => parport.0.pin-14-out
> grepping for pwmgen:
> loadrt pwmgen output_type=0
> addf pwmgen.update servo-thread
> addf pwmgen.make-pulses base-thread
> net spindle-cmd-with-only-positive-magnitude <= abs.0.out =>
> pwmgen.0.value net spindle-enable <= motion.spindle-on =>
> pwmgen.0.enable
> net spindle-pwm <= pwmgen.0.pwm
> setp pwmgen.0.pwm-freq 100.0
> setp pwmgen.0.scale 1583.33333333
> setp pwmgen.0.offset 0.108421052632
> setp pwmgen.0.dither-pwm true
> grepping for spindle:# put all the spindle stuffs here
> net spindle-cmd <= motion.spindle-speed-out
> net spindle-cmd => abs.0.in
> net spindle-cmd-with-only-positive-magnitude <= abs.0.out =>
> pwmgen.0.value net spindle-enable <= motion.spindle-on =>
> pwmgen.0.enable
> net spindle-pwm <= pwmgen.0.pwm
> net spindle-ccw <= motion.spindle-reverse
> net spindle-ccw => parport.0.pin-14-out
> net spindle-pwm => parport.0.pin-16-out
> And because the motor controller has no clue, the reversing is being
> done with a reversing relay controlled by parport.0.pin-14-out, there
> is an abs function for the pwm speed, grepping for that:
> loadrt abs count=1
> net spindle-cmd => abs.0.in
> net spindle-cmd-with-only-positive-magnitude <= abs.0.out =>
> pwmgen.0.value addf abs.0 servo-thread
> How do I best proceed to locate this critter is the question?
> I want to know what I did wrong & put some notes in the binder.
> Thanks guys & sending wishes for Happy & Prosperous New Year to all.

Further thought:  How do you folks arrive at those logic diagrams shown at 
several locations in the Integrators Manual I just printed fresh last 

It seems to me that graphing utility could be useful in spotting what I so 
nicely screwed up. :)

Cheers & Thanks, Gene
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